Melody Moore makes her highly anticipated recital debut in New York this week, on May 25 at Carnegie Hall. She is accompanied by pianist Robert Mollicone on a program that highlights works by Donaudy, Respighi, Puccini, Debussy, and more. This performance is featured as part of the ‘Great Singers: Evenings of Song’ series, and takes place in Weill Recital Hall.
Additional program notes:
We begin this evening’s program with three lush songs by turn-of-the-century Italian composers, Stefano Donaudy leading the way with “Amorosi miei giorni,” set to words by his brother, Alberto. Next, we hear “Notte” by Ottorino Respigi on a poem by the poetess Ada Negri; this song is a melancholy murmur of nocturnal mournfulness. A morning serenade to the beloved by Giacomo Puccini (the text is anonymous, but Puccini may have written the words himself) lighten and brighten the program.
For a period of six years between 1892 and 1898, the great French composer Claude Debussy, who altered the very language of music, abandoned setting verse in rhyme and strict forms for vers libres (“free verse”) — poetry that is free from the limitations of meter, rhyme, and fixed forms — and prose, which can be heard in Proses lyriques, a song cycle set to prose-poetry that the composer wrote himself.
Three prized gems by Richard Strauss follow, beginning with a song depicting wild Bacchic ceremonies in which Adonis is killed to symbolize the death and rebirth of the green world of vegetation. A delightfully vivacious song in which both the beloved and the sun are mysteries we cannot possibly know, as well as a passionate song to a dying sweetheart, round out the group.
The six songs in the final group—Clementine: Poems of Clementine von Radics—are all settings of poems selected by Ms. Moore that focus on the resiliency of love, both romantic and platonic.