“… Tosca responds, of course, with Vissi d’arte, a famous showstopper, but also a heartfelt testimonial threaded seamlessly into the drama as rendered in rich voice by the American soprano Melody Moore-Wagner.”
Montréal Gazette
“But it is Melody Moore-Wagner, at once sparkling and mischievous in her jealousy, sensitive and overwhelming in her tragedy, which captivates us from the beginning to the end. One feels she is at ease in this role that is so demanding, totally possessed by its tortured character who plunges into the drama out of love for her lover. Melody Moore-Wagner sings her role with great ease, she enjoys and takes possession of the stage.”
{Mais c’est surtout Melody Moore-Wagner, à la fois pétillante et espiègle dans sa jalousie, sensible et bouleversante dans sa tragédie, qui nous captive d’un bout à l’autre. On la sent à l’aise dans ce rôle pourtant si exigeant, totalement possédée par son personnage torturé qui plonge dans le drame par amour pour son amant. Melody Moore-Wagner chante avec une grande facilité sa partition, s’amuse et prend possession de la scène.}
“Moore delivers a brilliant: Vissi d’Arte that is very sensual, captivating and descriptive of the inner tumult that the Diva Floria has to face with the unwanted advances of Scarpia.”
Mountain Lake PBS